
Why can I never find the motivation to actually write anything? I have plans. I swear I do. But... I look at the text and just want to scream..


Okay guys, I have just unpublished Anti-shots as it has been putting me down to see that old thing still getting attention and followers while my new story has barely gotten any attention.
          So, if you're here for Anti-shots and any other fanfics, I'd suggest unfollowing me. If you're here for my new story or would like to give it a go, then feel free to stay around! 


Hey RavenTimers! So, as most of you will know, I started writing a story about Antiseoticeye x reader one shots about a year or two ago and have two updates on it. Where are the rest? Where is the smut that I promised? Well, I kinda stepped away from that fandom and have been working on more... Original full stories. Like Love and Crimes! I've just posted my 4th chapter of that.
          What will happen to Anti Shots you ask? Well... I'm honestly considering just leaving it. Not deleting it, but not updating it. Though... There is one chapter that I started ages ago but haven't finished yet. It was meant to be smut.
           Do you guys want me to post it as is, finish it sloppily or just pretend it doesn't exist? This is down to you guys. If I finish it, then it will be very quick and boring. Quite bad for a finale, but I hate leaving it unfinished when I don't have a passion for it anymore.
          Thanks guys.
          Raven, out. 


Thank you for adding my story to your reading list! ^^ I appreciate it <3


Ahh you’re so nice! I’m glad you like it- thank you again! :3


@emptae_inside No worries! I'm absolutely loving it so far, so of course I'd add it to my reading list!