this message may be offensive
Um, okay... so Anyone who has been following this profile... I have moved Profiles, my new Profile.is @TheRealAlexPhantom ... my old phone had gotten thrown in the garage can, because of certain things and was trashed by my Step-Mother... which I call The Bitch... so, Yeah... I will try to continue the stories if you all want me to, on my new account... If you are seeing this know that I'm alive still... and Hollywood Undead Is My New Best Band... I love you all, but I forgot my password to my old account, so that is the last reason why I got a new account... and At some point, I will post the SCRIPT, and PLEASE read it... and If you want to be in it... just know the pay at first will be low, but once we got a shit ton of money we will raise the pay... thank you.... TheRealAlexPhantom says goodbye forever, on this channel... only to be born again on TheRealAlexPhantom6's account... We Love You All, please don't leave the Phantom Community, you are all good little Phantom's... or should I say Reaper....