
Hey there Bonnie,
          Hi I'm Panda_Lover221 I like to draw my is wolf in sheep clothing it's really good lol I love my friends and family and FNAF I am a total geek about it lol my fav. characters are Freddy Bonnie golden freddy and Chica my least fav. is the grape purple guy he is a ass hole lol so that's it for now and I will try to read all your stories and maybe u could read mine so yea that's it for now bye~


Hey! Thank you so much for the follow! I can't wait to read some of your books, and I hope you enjoy mine as well (Judging by your user name :p) Have an amazing nightmare of a day/night! Bye bye! *poof*


Welcome friend


Thank you too for the follow and I have read two of your books and I really enjoyed them and I'm actually reading another one of your books now. I love them so much their so cool. Also, have a good day*dissapers into the shadows*