
cybersex is done! i can't say i'm fully contented with the way it ended but it's better than leaving it unfinished indefinitely. if i ever feel inspired to revise the ending, i will 100% write an alternative, but for now i feel as though it was long enough for the ending to be somewhat satisfying and conclusive. i'm excited to maybe write another fic. definitely something high drama.


cybersex is done! i can't say i'm fully contented with the way it ended but it's better than leaving it unfinished indefinitely. if i ever feel inspired to revise the ending, i will 100% write an alternative, but for now i feel as though it was long enough for the ending to be somewhat satisfying and conclusive. i'm excited to maybe write another fic. definitely something high drama.


i find it funny how the views of each chapter of cybersex decrease as you go through the chapters (obviously because people stop reading, pause for a bit etc) but there is a SPIKE in the number of viewers who have read chapter ten... entitled "action", in fact more ppl have read chapter ten than chapter seven.. hmm .. hmm... HMMMMM. i see what you are. and i can't even complain bc ik i would do it too 


How's cybwrsex going? You haven't posted in a while so I wanted to make sure things are okay.


omgggg ty for replying ofc take your time


@sparklydeerface hi! Thank you for asking. I'm currently working on writing the next chapters. It's taking a while for a couple reaons: Firstly, I'm back at uni so I have less free time  and secondly, the story is drawing to a close and I want to make sure the ending is fulfilling. I had many many ideas for how I wanted the story to end so it took me quite a while to decide which one was the most realistic, and would be the most enjoyable to read. I just think the story has done well so far so I would hate if I were to post the ending and everyone hated it  so yeah, it took me a while to construct the 'perfect' ending. But I've finally done that so now I'm just writing it. Don't worry about it being one of those fics that is left incomplete 