
Hi! I just did a change to my username. I hated the underscore in Lorraine_Moore, so I decided to change it into TheRealLorraineMoore hehehe. I know that may seem over the top and eye-roll inducing, but hopefully, you'll cut me some slack and get used to it ;)


Hi! I just did a change to my username. I hated the underscore in Lorraine_Moore, so I decided to change it into TheRealLorraineMoore hehehe. I know that may seem over the top and eye-roll inducing, but hopefully, you'll cut me some slack and get used to it ;)


Hello again! So, this may seem obnoxious, but I think you might (?) be interested in reading about my life.... Idk, it's totally up to you, but I just published a book called 'Excerpts from my Life' and it's just a bunch of words I wrote two years ago which I'm slowly publishing here. It's a bit autobiographical, a bit pensive, and a whole lot of deciphering my inner thoughts and trying to make sense of what the F goes in my head. Please give it a try?


Hello Lorraine_Moore,
          Thank you for adding “Above the Line“ into your reading list! I hope you enjoy it. Have an amazing day! ❤️
          — Fallon Elizabeth


@BornToWrite47 Hey! I can't wait to read it! Just from the cover and the description, I must say I'm excited :))))


Hi Lorraine... Do you happen to have any ideas on creating pretty cool book covers? Please help. I'll be glad. 


@Valeb_Kaw12 hello Lorraine, I'm sorry for the late reply. Sure I would love a cover of a book.
            It's about a young girl, who fall in love with her Uncle. And I would love a cover that brings out her character. It'll be good if it depicts both the Uncle and the girl. Any suggestions, PM me. Thank you.


@Valeb_Kaw12 Hey again! You haven't replied yet, and I just wanted to ask again: tell me the details and I'll be glad to pitch in ideas or even offer making a cover for you :)


Hey!! sure, tell me about what you’re going for and I’ll be glad to help 


Hi... Long time no talk.
          How's COVID treating you guys? I haven't really been online as much as I'd like to be. Sorry about that (T~T).... Things have been a bit tough and I am trying to get back in shape for writing. I'll be updating soon, I'm sorry for the inconsistent updates...