
i still can believe that its the night before Ramadan! im so excited to fast and this year more than other cause im finally aloud to play sport games while fast as in the years before i could only fast at particies. but im so excited and ive made a goal that some will like and that is to try not to harm myself during the period.


i still can believe that its the night before Ramadan! im so excited to fast and this year more than other cause im finally aloud to play sport games while fast as in the years before i could only fast at particies. but im so excited and ive made a goal that some will like and that is to try not to harm myself during the period.


I've been sick for the past three days and when I finally come back to school why do I feel like I'm getting judged for everything I do. I have my headphones on and every time I look at my side, H (who's my fake ass "best friend") is laughing at me and she's dragging on those other fake "friends" I have to laugh with her. Also a thing with H is I've felt like she's been copying me and is trying to become more like me. At first it was small things she copyed but now she's copying the way I speak, dress, and act. It's honestly getting to point where I'm ready to tell her face to face to shut up and get a freaking personality that is her own! But I wont cause in  the end its me who becomes the bad guy and is treated diffrently. Also theres no point if I go down to her level but its getting really annoying



@ innieslays  nawww thank u
            I love ittttt 


offial felix is skzfinity btw


I relapse :(


@TheRealSnoopy_com I’m really sorry you're feeling like this :( I know it probably doesn’t help much right now, but relapsing doesn’t erase everything, you’re still trying, and that matters :)