
Hey! I've actually began my story that I have been planning for a few years now. It has grown and developed from a simple Warriors story to something great and unique. I was influenced and inspired by two Warriors fanfictions known as Shattered and Promise. Especially Promise as it holds a special place in my heart. I'm actually reading it a second time! Please go read it. c': And my story. Read mine as well.


Hey! I've actually began my story that I have been planning for a few years now. It has grown and developed from a simple Warriors story to something great and unique. I was influenced and inspired by two Warriors fanfictions known as Shattered and Promise. Especially Promise as it holds a special place in my heart. I'm actually reading it a second time! Please go read it. c': And my story. Read mine as well.


oops i popped in here and now i want to start again
          what am i doing with my life
          anyways hi everyone i literally just wanted to say im not following anyone back anymore bc thats kinda ??? sorry for the inconvenience but thats the way its gonna be
          um idk what else to say rlly ??
          if u want to unfollow me bc i dont follow you then dont be afraid to do so. but rlly ily all and u guys are the best 
          <3 owo


ok so
          i havent been here in a long while 
          so basically im quitting
          idk why y'all liked my stories but i mean hey whatever you like, you like owo
          anyways dont expect me to be writing any story
          maybe i will post one about the ppl i ship from wcf 
          its a joke thing but quite fun to write
          either way all my stories are old and just ugh
          my writing has gotten better but yah
          no more writing from Thundy for a bit
          i wish you all the best
          oo and if you really need to contact me, try wcf first. I am Thunderlake there as well. you need an account to post though. im on OTD (off-topic-discussions) the most. 
          link is here -
          ~ <3