Does anyone ever think about the fact that one day we all just grew up a little and stopped being as interested as we used to be in this site? It's kinda sad, like thinking about the last time your parents picked you up, or the last time you saw a really good friend. That bittersweet nostalgia. I log in every once in a while to reminisce on old writing, and reread some old favorites, and think about the friends I made on here. I hope you all are well, and growing up hasn't killed your spirit. Lord knows I've changed since I first made this account. I almost miss the me I was then, and coming back here feels like revisiting a moment in time. A reminder that while I've grown up, I can still recognize that teenage girl looking for an escape in the me I've become. If any one still uses or pays attention to this, please respond, tell me if I'm crazy for thinking this or if any of you understand. I'll never delete old posts simply for the sake of continuing to be able to watch how I've grown through the years of having this account. Thanks to all of you for being an escape from a shitty reality. I've been through some crap, and having all these stories to fall back on and people to talk to really helped my teenage self survive through it all. Anyways, all this to say I might be back, and I think I'm gonna try and start writing again. Maybe something new and good will come from it. Love you all <3