"I love you, you love me, we're a red blanket society."

Account started May 17th 015

||Bailey - Admin|| Joined May 17th 015
"You're a person. I'm a person. Let's hug."

||Lynsey - Admin|| Joined May 17th 015
"Press B to Blow. You like my B to Blow Skills? Are you blown away? Yes, yes you are."

||Sophie - Admin|| Joined May 17th 015
"95% of the ocean is undiscovered. You can't tell me mermaids don't exist yet."

||Caitlin|| Joined June 26th 015
"The person you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger"

||Brianna|| Joined July 1st 015
"You have the choice whether you can be alright to someone, or you can be a little bit nicer and that can make someone's day."
  • The Dinner Table
  • JoinedMay 17, 2015
