My days are spent reading, writing, working, and crying (fandoms, they do that to you- but for all the bad times, there are good time too, thank god!). I do have original stories and a lot fanfics (especially lately- i didn't intend for those floodgates to open, but things just got out of hand and i'm not sorry). I'm on here, Figment under the name Masquerade of the Black Rose and on AO3 (Archiveofourown) under the name StagnationRebel. And if you decide to read my work, i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
  • انضمJuly 22, 2011


قصص بقلم Christina McKeefry
This Time بقلم TheRedRoseMasquerade
This Time
As young as he was, John had an eerie sixth sense about certain things. Things that were off kilter with the...
Better Than Nicotine بقلم TheRedRoseMasquerade
Better Than Nicotine
Not a case to be heard and not a cigarette to be found, Sherlock is desperate! But John presents Sherlock wit...
1 قائمة قراءة