
Hello everyone, we have noticed several people asking Kay for more and more updates. Please refrain from this. Do not try to sugar coat it by saying things like “just a suggestion” or “I just love your book so much”. Remember everyone has a life off the computer and hers happens to be extremely busy. So please, no more asking for updates in any way, shape or form. It just adds stress onto authors. She is trying very hard to update as much as possible but she has a life off the computer screen. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.


^Honestly? Those comments piss me off sometimes, thanks for saying something about it.


I don’t understand how that isn’t just common sense! Be grateful for what you get and enjoy the ride. Part of it is the suspense! 


Hello everyone, we have noticed several people asking Kay for more and more updates. Please refrain from this. Do not try to sugar coat it by saying things like “just a suggestion” or “I just love your book so much”. Remember everyone has a life off the computer and hers happens to be extremely busy. So please, no more asking for updates in any way, shape or form. It just adds stress onto authors. She is trying very hard to update as much as possible but she has a life off the computer screen. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.


^Honestly? Those comments piss me off sometimes, thanks for saying something about it.


I don’t understand how that isn’t just common sense! Be grateful for what you get and enjoy the ride. Part of it is the suspense! 


Hello everyone, We want to interact with you more. So we’ve decided to start a group chat on twitter. If anyone would like to join you can PM your twitter to me so I can add you to the chat. As for the people who don’t have social media besides wattpad, I am still discussing coming up with a type of chat for wattpad. We only chose twitter because wattpad becomes slow after a long time with comments. 
          So if anyone would like to join, PM me your twitter account and you’ll be added.
          If anyone had any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
          Have a great day.
          ~ Emma