
so...i've been doing some reflecting on stories I haven't updated in a while and one of which is the full cowl pirates anyway while reading over it I read other works which got me thinking to push the narrative of THAT story in a slightly different direction don't worry I can feel myself improving the more I read my own stories and see what changes i need to make...anyone else do that?


so...i've been doing some reflecting on stories I haven't updated in a while and one of which is the full cowl pirates anyway while reading over it I read other works which got me thinking to push the narrative of THAT story in a slightly different direction don't worry I can feel myself improving the more I read my own stories and see what changes i need to make...anyone else do that?


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so I had just watched the most recent death battle Kratos vs Asura I liked the fight...BUT YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME KRATOS WOULD WIN WHEN ASURA IS LITERALLY FUCKING GALAXY LEVEL!!!!!!! I'm sorry I like both Characters but realistically Asura would win that fight no cap anyone else agree?


ok so I just keep coming up with Ideas so what I have on my brain now is a crossover between Sailor Moon and Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger but instead of Geki and all those guys returning they pass their power onto newcomers like how the past lives of the sailor scouts do...anyway they way they do it is with the power of both Barza and Magiel yes I said Magiel because if power rangers can retcon rita repulsa into a good guy after the Z wave why not Bandora eh plus the fact both were played by the legendary Machiko Soga I'd say the shoe fits


problem is....I know next to nothing about sailor moon and the only version available is crystal....which has...mixed reception


MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS MY DEAR READERS AND FOLLOWERS!!!! Aw man it's been so long I got a new computer as well as a headset for my PS5 all in all it was a good year so I hope y'all have a great Christmas Hannukuh Kwanza or whatever the hell ya celebrate PEACE!!! :)


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ok so...this has been brewing in my brain a bit but since we can all agree that both My hero's War Arc and ending are hot garbage, no thanks to Horikoshi being pressured by both Shonen Jump and the fans, I was thinking I could make another Isekai story...yes you heard right I made the Dragonball Isekai story but handed it off to KingJoka cause reasons...anyway I thought about dipping my toes into Borderlands since A I fucking love those games and B i've seen very few Deku in Borderlands fanfics...and call me fucking nuts for actually suggesting this shit I don't care...I wanna do a Deku x Tina story because Tina is fucking hilarious and a fucking gem of a character she DOES NOT get enough love obviously I'll age her up a bit and have her Izuku and Gaige as a really good friend group anyway that's all I have atm I'll work out the kinks later
          YOU'RE NOT DEADPOOL SO GET THE FUCK OUT!!! *Yeets Tina back to her universe*


ok I've been thinking alot lately guys and I want your COMPLETE honest opinion do you think I'm fixing alot of Issues MHA has or am I just adding more problems? like I know the Ending sucks and everyone has their own take of How the story SHOULD HAVE gone but I don't know everytime I work on my stories I like to keep in-universe without delving too much to alternate source material otherwise it'd be clusterfuck I always ask for feedback in my A/N's and so far you guys have been pretty positive and I thank you for that...but anyway you think i'm doing the series...and by extension the fanbase, pick your side, a service...or am I just another problem let me know


this Idea has been buzzing in the back of my mind for a while...I kinda wanna make a story where a character has Cell's powers but has the alt color scheme from the BT games where he goes to UA problem is I only have a basic Idea so his character was a sickly child who was given Cell's abilities but resisted and broke the initial programming freeing himself being rescued by heroes and being welcomed home by his parents with open arms. he met Midoriya once maybe twice but went to the same Junior high as Shoji then applied for UA that's the gist of it now...I don't know who the ship should be while I'm biased towards Mina I would like to hear what you guys have to say input is valuable anyway that's all from me

TheRichtofen115 much as I love DC I don't think I EVER did one although I do have one Idea brewing in my head basically being a white Lantern story though idk if I should do Teen Titans Justice League or just go "screw it" and make it a multiversal adventure or a kingdom hearts story lol


Ok I gotta be real, do you like check my account every day TvT
          I don’t mind At all, in fact I like reading your comments!
          But Im Just wondering lol


            I mean yeah he’s a huge jerk, but considering his Mother it’s not all his fault. And Mineta is the absolute worst and if he was taken the story wouldn’t change. It may even be better. I hate Endeavor as well but he, as Bakugou does, adds to the story in a some what positive way. 


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@Ash_di_Angelo that's...debatable now that I think about Bakugo vs Uraraka...I realize that was a pity fight yeah Uraraka kept going depsite being outclassed but honestly it just highlights how much of a loser he really is I really can't bring myself to like him he's just a piece of Mineta...OMG I get that he's a weak coward but some fanfic writers blow his perversion schtick WAY out of proportion unlike me who sees it as an act for attention...for all the wrong reasons I'm not going to disect every facet of his character but holy shit people need to stop blowing him out of proportion like he's the worst thing ever when there are characters WAY worse then him...I mean I like to think of him as Issei but less cool


            Oh yes I see, I don’t necessarily agree with you but I can see where this is coming from and it’s a very understandable argument. Personally, I think he adds to the story, yes he bullied Izuku, but Izuku wouldn’t be the same person if Bakugou hadn’t done that. Without Bakugou, the story would be pretty different and I know he’s always yelling at everyone, but because he’s so dramatic I think it’s kinda funny. Plus, Kiribaku is my life and without Bakugou that’s not possible lol!