
Hey everyone, I’m sorry that I’m leaving this note here. As some of you may know, I live in America, I’m also bisexual and trans. As of an hour or so ago, Trump is 3 points away from winning this election. I’m not sure if I’ll be back, it’s hitting me hard that I may lose my rights as a person and I’m not sure what the future holds. I know people make jokes about losing faith in humanity, but I truly have; I used to believe people are inherently good, but I can’t anymore. I hope to see you all again and I love y’all , this is Storm, signing off.


@Brickhammer Thanks, this really helps. I sent that at the height of my grief and depression, but I’m realizing a lot of stuff. The gloves are coming off and I’m going full punk, I may hurt in the future but at least I’ll be standing tall. I’m so tired of being silent and I’m tired of feeling weak, and if they want to strip me of who I am, they’ll have to kill me. I’m not going back into that damn closet!


I too have lost faith, though not in humanity. I have lost faith in this nation and many of its people, but not in humanity. My father is one of the only reasons I can even say that now. For more than a decade he suffered from depression, alcoholism, and anger issues. But after all the work he has put into himself in the last few years, he refuses to let this dark time trap him in the cold embrace of fear and depression. He stands as a beacon of hope and light to me and my family, and many of my friends too. If someone who has seen all manner of hells that humanity has created for itself can still get up and smile and show kindness and love to his fellow man, then I am damn sure going to do the same! 
          	  Just know that there are people who support you and stand beside you in this chaotic world we now occupy. If you need me for anything, just send a DM. 


Hey everyone, I’m sorry that I’m leaving this note here. As some of you may know, I live in America, I’m also bisexual and trans. As of an hour or so ago, Trump is 3 points away from winning this election. I’m not sure if I’ll be back, it’s hitting me hard that I may lose my rights as a person and I’m not sure what the future holds. I know people make jokes about losing faith in humanity, but I truly have; I used to believe people are inherently good, but I can’t anymore. I hope to see you all again and I love y’all , this is Storm, signing off.


@Brickhammer Thanks, this really helps. I sent that at the height of my grief and depression, but I’m realizing a lot of stuff. The gloves are coming off and I’m going full punk, I may hurt in the future but at least I’ll be standing tall. I’m so tired of being silent and I’m tired of feeling weak, and if they want to strip me of who I am, they’ll have to kill me. I’m not going back into that damn closet!


I too have lost faith, though not in humanity. I have lost faith in this nation and many of its people, but not in humanity. My father is one of the only reasons I can even say that now. For more than a decade he suffered from depression, alcoholism, and anger issues. But after all the work he has put into himself in the last few years, he refuses to let this dark time trap him in the cold embrace of fear and depression. He stands as a beacon of hope and light to me and my family, and many of my friends too. If someone who has seen all manner of hells that humanity has created for itself can still get up and smile and show kindness and love to his fellow man, then I am damn sure going to do the same! 
            Just know that there are people who support you and stand beside you in this chaotic world we now occupy. If you need me for anything, just send a DM. 


Been another while and I’ve kinda moved on from my current stories unfortunately. As in my stories might not be continued, however, that doesn’t mean I’m not writing. I love Gundam but I’ve moved into writing stories off of a general lore concept, such as taking some Protogen lore and creating a world using it as a guideline (not exactly the story I’m making just an example). I’m cooking something up, but it’s taking me quite a while honestly, so… yeah. Hopefully you all are having a good day/night, love y’all!


@TheRisingStorm40 Hol up, let them cook 


So… it’s been quite a while since I’ve said anything on my board…
          Well, writers block has a lot to do with that, I haven’t written anything until very recently and none of it has been my Gundam book.
          I’m going through a rough patch here but a lot of self discovery (I’m bi, trans, and a furry; not in any particular order of discovery) is helping keep me sane for a while and sparking new story ideas.
          In any case, I hope you all are doing well and we’ll see when another story/update is posted :).


I have to put this out there and talk about this because I found the topic on the r/Gundam subreddit. For the love of god, there is almost no such thing as a “fake fan”. When someone jumps into a series like Gundam because they saw cool robots and it’s the newest in the series, they’re a potential fan!
          I seriously can’t believe I have to say anyone can be a fan of anything they think is cool, even if they haven’t taken the deep dive into the entire series.