So in my art class we're doing papier-mâché models of our creatures we drew a while back. When we do this the stuff you dip the newspaper and it splatters and gets on your clothes, right? So, we have the option to wear these old clothes in her cabinet to cover our shirts so we don't stain them. Now, I went in there to grab one and I saw this black one and it looked very nice and new and I noticed there was a tag inside. The tag said Calvin Cline. If you don't know that brand it is a very expensive brand that makes very well made clothes. I got very confused but I still wore it, it was in the section where you got the old clothes after all. I put it on, it was an actual jacket. I went over to the other teacher that was in there and asked her about it. Get was my art teachers very expansive Calvin Cline jacket. I could've gotten PAPIER-MÂCHÉ- ON MY TEACHERS EXPENSIVE, NEW LOOKING, BEAUTIFUL BLACK CALVIN CLINE JACKET. I literally sprINTED TO THE CABINET THANKING THE HEAVENLY GOD ABOVE ME FOR NOT USING MY TEACHERS JACKET TO GET MY ART PROJECT ON. AMEN.