
Today is Chris’ birthday, February 12th. ♥️




Hi guys, giving you a life update. So, I don’t know how many of you know but I moved last year to a new country. It was been an amazing experience, but the challenges have also been many. Last week I discovered mice in my rented studio and had to move out immediately. On top of all this stress, I also have a fever and feel like an extra burden on those how are trying to help me by giving me a place to sleep temporarily and also working a 9-5 job as if everything’s fine. I will be moving mid February and I know the fever will go down, but I just feel like crap. 
          Thank you for understanding the delay in chapter updates. I’ll do my best to write something today.
          Love you all ♥️


@TheRubyWriter_ focus on recovering first ruby. w understand, your health and personal life comes first. you don’t have to worry about the updates because we are willing to wait no matter how long. as long as you’ll be able to prioritize yourself. I hope you settle everything happening in your life (apartment thingy) and I hope you get well soon. Take care Ruby 


Just focus on recovering and making everything easier on yourself. Hope you get better soon and everything works out for you!


@TheRubyWriter_  Hope you get better!!!! If it helps think about how reading your books make about thousands of people (including me) feel better everyday :)


Hi Ruby! Idk if you’ll be able to see this, but still I’ll try. You once mentioned that you first post your updates on inkitt before here right? Because you get benefits when readers read your stories there. (Please correct me If I’m wrong) If so, can I ask if you can like post here on your wattpad wall if you already published the next chapter/s in the future on inkitt, so that if there are people here who want to read it first there can? Also by then we’ll be able to help you, right? I was just wondering though thank you!  


I literally can’t wait for the next chapter.I FEEL SO BAD FOR CHRIS.I DONT KNOW I HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR HIM AND IT ALWAYS TUGS AT MY HEART WHEN HE IS SAD.But today I wanted to freaking slap Alison in the face.She was so rude.And my baby just texted her “come home”  He’s so freaking sweet and I love him so much because he doesn’t deserve all this sadness ❤️ I LOVE YOUUU KEEP WRITING 


Hello everyone, I want to leave a quick note after today’s chapter release. I know the interval between the last chapter and the chapter that came out today is too long. It is unfair to make you wait so long for an update when the story is at such high stakes. I have also received some criticism regarding how the story feels stagnant how the narrative seems stuck and how we keep going around in loops regarding Maddie, James and Ali’s fear of him.
          I promise you, I swear to you, I have planned this story meticulously. Even though this last chapter, “Come Home”, is heart wrenching and so reminiscent of where Chris was emotionally in the first book during his worst times, I guarantee you, everything will work out. Ali and Chris love each other too much to break up over this. I know I am spoiling the story by saying this but trust me, this test to their relationship will be the foundation of what will take them to the next level emotionally and physically. Once they get over this hurdle, and I kid you not when I say this, they will be unstoppable.
          Thank you so much for sticking with me, for sticking with Ali and Chris, and for rooting for this story. I have received the sweetest messages from you guys encouraging me to keep writing. Truly, they have helped immensely. I will keep them close to my heart and whenever I feel emotionally drained and thinking I don’t have an ounce of inspiration to write another chapter, I will think of you and your messages. They truly keep me going and are a great motivation.
          Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, 1 million times over. I really hope you enjoy this chapter even though it will break your heart 100%. Trust me when I say it’s all uphill from here. It will only get better.
          With love,


Aww Ruby  first of all thank you for writing such a wonderful story. Second, I hope you don’t feel too pressure on writing the next chapters, considering you mentioned how life & work is for you. Always remember to prioritize yourself, as much as we want an update your well being comes first. As for Ali & Chris, we do know that this (the child issue) are just one of the issues they will face as a couple. And of course we do know as well that they will pass this because they are ALI and CHRIS who loves each other more than anything. Regarding Maddie & James, I hope they resolve the issues with that because we genuinely want to see more of Ali & Chris. Especially if his parents will make an appearance to the sequel, their married life and all. Nevertheless, we trust you with this story since you know it better than anyone else. Thank you Ruby and Take care. I hope you know your readers are genuinely rooting what’s best for you and your story. We support you Ruby:))


 I just want to say that I will wait as long as it takes for you to release a new chapter. Your story is one of the best I have ever read, and I truly mean that. I have re-read it, along with what you have of the sequel, at least five times, and I still love it just as much every time. And will be reading it again soon. 
            You are an incredibly talented writer and storyteller. Your work has not only inspired me to start writing on here as well, but also taught me so much about how to improve my own writing. You never have to worry about losing me as a fan or supporter because I will always admire and appreciate your work, and I know many others feel the same way.
            Thank you for crafting such a beautiful story. I look forward to every chapter and project you create. <3


U FINALLY UPDATED THE SEQUEL!!!! Thank uuuuu  pls post more often and I hope the sequel has more pages then the first book 


Omg I can’t wait!!! 


@TheRubyWriter_ omg yessss ur the besttttttt!!! I js hate how short this chapter was tho tdy, longer forms of content is better 


I FINALLY DID  This book I think will have more chapter for sure than the first book! At lost is still to come 


Hello everyone! Chapter 46 of PMP, The Sequel, is OUT NOW!! 
          Also, I was thinking, one chapter that that I never 100% happy with is chapter 33 of the first book where Chris paints Ali on the floor of his apartment. I’m very tempted to edit it a little. Are you guys okay with that or do you want me to keep it as it is? Let me know your thoughts.


@TheRubyWriter_ Nooo leave as it is. It's so good


@TheRubyWriter_  NOOOO. I was very happy with that chapter. Leave it the way it isss .
            But then it depends on how u want to edit it tho. But that scene was beautiful. It was one of the most precious moments for me that Ali and Chris really connected