
Hi everyone  I’ll be editing The Secret Life of Blythe, don’t worry.  I know it’s horribly distracting reading a book that’s littered with spelling mistakes.  I think you go blind to typo’s and mistakes when you look at your own work constantly, if that makes sense?  I’m going to step away from it for a couple of weeks and then I’ll dive back in and edit a chapter each day.  
          	But!! The good news is I’m already working on the next book!  I’ll be releasing one in November and possibly another in December and we’ll see where we go from there.  I’m not sure anyone will top our boy Leo for rage, love him or hate him, I feel he turned out as confusing and outrageous as he was in my head!
          	Thanks for reading, I’m overwhelmed with the response to TSLOB  


Was just wondering, could you give us a time line on Smoke and Mirrors? I've been trying to get it straight but I'm still feeling scrambled. He tells his wife it has to be 24 months before he can sell or trade the clubs but in the next chapter he's already been cheating as a dom for a while. Could you set me right?


She was already blackmailing him because of the night in the hotel room.  The clubs came after when Lan and Jimu got involved x 


Thank you for your books! 
          I just read my first from you, The Secret Life of Blythe. Well done!  OMG I ran the whole field of emotions with this one! 
          I'm an avid reader and adore books with strong female characters, great story lines that pull you in and make you feel without being "d!sney" perfect endings, multiple POVS, and characters that you can bond with. 
          I've read a lot of books in my life that I can say are great but it's only those from certain authors that can not only suck you into the story line but also keep you vested in the outcome AND create characters that you literally want to reach thru the pages to either hug or strangle.
          And that Leo.... ooooh man.  I did NOT think I was going to be accepting of him being let in.   But you tied it all together and let Blythe grow and put half first.  
          Again, thank you so much.   I'll be adding your other books to my list ASAP!


Thanks for the lovely response!  I’m glad you enjoyed it!  There’s more to come 


When I started to read your book , you made a comment to me that your rager books may not be my cup of tea!!! I agreed but tried reading them anyway!! It took me a couple of tries to get through the first two then I read Mattia It was good but left me wondering if there was more to come!!  Then I got to misconception, !! Had no trouble there, and just waiting for updates on that one!!!  I'm hoping you will give us more ragers to read because now I'm hooked!!!!!! ❤️☺️❤️☺️❤️☺️❤️☺️❤️☺️❤️☺️❤️☺️Thank you so much for sharing your work!!! I'm 71 and disabled so reading is my hobby!!!!!!!


Hi  I’m so glad, I have no idea why I like writing such silly stuff but I have a lot of fun with it!  I’ve had a crappy month, but I will be back very shortly to finish misconception and I also have another book that’s nearly done  ❤️ 


I’m addicted to your writing. You’ve had me laughing, lusting and absolutely falling in love with characters. You are brilliant love, as a 60 year old grandmother moving into retirement my reading has picked up immensely thanks to you love . Xx


That’s so lovely to hear thank you!  Happy retirement x 


I love your stories and your dirty mind  Thank you for taking the time to write out these epic stories and sharing them with us. I hope the New Year is treating you well so far and that this message reaches you and makes you smile. Have a wonderful day/


Thank you so much, right back at you!  It’s hard work this dirty imagination business lol x 