((Will make a book explaining the places later and start roleplaying there but for now this is my home)’
——The Salmon Ravine—-
(A river leads into this ravine, within are multiple caves branching out, including one flooded by water (inside it only reaches up to the end of your feet)in which the Salmon Ghost resides, it is not hidden, but looks like a normal cave from the outside.)
The Salmon Ghost is sitting on a sharp rock that pokes out of the cave wall. They look to the entrance to the room they reside in, anxious that someone would find them. Not because they are scared, it is because they have been alone for so long. One person finally going to check on them after years would be worse to them then knowing they forgot about them.
They sigh, dipping their hand in the water, they feel hollow. But it does not set a reaction, loneliness took a toll on that. They didn’t think of it as a bad event, it was the norm.
They wanted a fellow salmon ghost, so they would wait. Any ghost would do.
Any would.
—————The Salmon Ravine———————
(You can find the man by the smell of rotting fish in a cave room nearby or by just exploring, either works :)) )
Peace out