
To the few people that actually read my stuff, I'm putting everything on hold, and withdrawing it all. It's a step that I've done in the past and I'm doing again now. 
          	I'm putting a new idea through the beta phases of storytelling, and I'll be writing it when I'm ready. That could be next month, or next year, so don't hold your breath. 
          	Thanks for reading and following, and a special thanks to @MrMumbles for being a beta reader on a few occasions. 
          	- Vladimir


@TheScottishUnicorn aww really? Well it was awesome to read Caedes and please do pm me when you start it up again! I'll try to be your patient reader!


To the few people that actually read my stuff, I'm putting everything on hold, and withdrawing it all. It's a step that I've done in the past and I'm doing again now. 
          I'm putting a new idea through the beta phases of storytelling, and I'll be writing it when I'm ready. That could be next month, or next year, so don't hold your breath. 
          Thanks for reading and following, and a special thanks to @MrMumbles for being a beta reader on a few occasions. 
          - Vladimir


@TheScottishUnicorn aww really? Well it was awesome to read Caedes and please do pm me when you start it up again! I'll try to be your patient reader!


Hey all, and by all I mean the twelve people who read me. Maybe not even that...
          Writer's block is painfully slow to overcome, and as writing is a secondary artistic talent for me, whenever I've artist's block, I'm bound to have Writer's block, and vice versa. 
          Sorry for those waiting for instalments to my stories, but I'm recalling them, and I'm going to shoot off a couple of ones shots in the near-ish future.
          Revision and edits are going to be made, and some stories scrapped entirely. This is my big update and probably the biggest downgrade to my account and it's progress that I'll do for a while. 
          See you around.


Hey sorry for no updates on Caedes but I've been busy, and only just recently returned to the project. Taking a look at my second chapter, which was ready to publish, I've decided that I'm going to need to do some rewrites. Sorry for the inconvenience, but there'll  be something soon. You've my word. 
          ~ Vlad


          Liberation is copyrighted, correct? 
          So you can file a lawsuit, and charge him for plagiarism. You wrote the book first, published it legally on a website/app, under your name, and so long as he's changed only a name, you can charge him for criminal activities. Take it to court. This is a caught red handed scenario.