
Sorry to my followers for not updating or being on more often. I have been caught up in finding another job and balancing music. But I also have decided I don't really like the way the story is coming out. I don't feel it has enough imagery or expressiveness I  the way I imagined it would be when I drafted it out. I will be ready go through and may make edits to what has been done already, and I have new ideas coming to me. So I will be editing soon. Love Fala.


Sorry to my followers for not updating or being on more often. I have been caught up in finding another job and balancing music. But I also have decided I don't really like the way the story is coming out. I don't feel it has enough imagery or expressiveness I  the way I imagined it would be when I drafted it out. I will be ready go through and may make edits to what has been done already, and I have new ideas coming to me. So I will be editing soon. Love Fala.


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Please don't kill me, I know I haven't updated in a while. I have a very usually writing thing going where really good ideas come to me in rushes but that's usually when I haven't been writing. s
          So in other words I am waiting for some inspiration. I'm going to continue the story of course but once things start coming to me again I may not be writing, or they may be short chapters which is why I don't want to write right now. I want to make sure that I give my best in each chapter and not just throwing something together. So please, please bare with me. And thank you for reading, hopefully inspiration will come again soon. 


Hey to all of my followers. Thank you to all of those who are following me and are reading my story "The Forbidden Fruit(MJJ Fantasy)"  I would just like to make clear that I am going to continue writing the story, and will be updating soon, but I want to let everyone know that I have some ideas of another story I am thinking about writing. So I will post a vote on here with different story Ideas I have and the one that gets the most votes I will write the story. :) So I hope you guys be engaged in letting me what you would like to read. and I will do my best to write it.


Hey everyone I've posted Chapter 8,  I will also be thinking about where this story is going to go so that I can get a good idea as to how the other chapters are going to go. I want to avoid getting writers block, so I need to do some good planning ahead as to how it will come together.