
So for the next week I will be writing chapter 4. If I can get at least half I will post it. I really want to get it up before the next wednesday but school and other things do come in the way...


A warning to people who read my main story: By Candles and Moonlight. I may not be able to work on it for the next few months. A problem had come up with another story that is related and that project is being recycled and started from the beginning. Meaning my story which is directly related might go through changes. I'm sorry I haven't been working and this came up yesterday. I'm hoping to start working on it soon but if the other project changes then this one will too. Again sorry to all who read it.


I have been taking a month off of writing so I could work on other projects and such and realized that I don't have many ideas for By Candles and Moonlight. I'll start working on it again come New Years but I will also be working on Wither, a webseries I am hoping to make. And I still have my "Job" to do so like I said before chapters will take a few months from now on.