
Alright, it's time for me to return to Avatar: The New Era :) my team and I just won the Pro-Bending Circuit, a writing contest in honor of the Avatar universe :) anyways, I hope everyone's still here :) I'll be with you all 'til I finish with my main story :) see ya!


Alright, it's time for me to return to Avatar: The New Era :) my team and I just won the Pro-Bending Circuit, a writing contest in honor of the Avatar universe :) anyways, I hope everyone's still here :) I'll be with you all 'til I finish with my main story :) see ya!


To all the Avatar: The New Era readers, please do not let go of the story just yet! I'm having a tremendous amount of my time for schoolworks and the Pro-Bending Competition :( I'll be back in a few more weeks! This is a promise! And thank you all! :D