
your amazing for writing me a whole paragraph, but Do you have any advice coping with a toxic\strict\mentally-abusive "family"\legal guardians? ? 
          (ps if your tired or something you just don't want to answer you don't have to)


❤ your an awesome person


@Namelesspsycho4 also I move maldaptive daydreaming disorder too, i’ve learned to accept it however.


@Namelesspsycho4 I don’t care if you’re a pyromaniac or a sociopath. I’m here for you ❤️ and the boys thing? Me too, i have like zero clue if a boy is trying to flirt with me. I have like seriously bad social cues. It’s so annoying. And I feel like most people don’t like me because of that. But I’ve been trying to get rid of it. But listen, TRUE people won’t care what you are, they will just accept you for who you are. If you feel like there is really no one in your life who understands, you know you have me 