
I juts finished watching the mha  heros rising and omg!! It’s it amazing!!!! I know where you can watch it for free for those who haven’t wanted it and without needing to pay or anything of sorts so if any of you mha fans are interested please let me know!! 


@theanimewolflover29 Thank you so, so much for adding my 5th Hero story to your reading list! It really means a whole lot to me as a writer to know you're at least a little interested in one of my works! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to spark a friendly conversation, please don't hesitate to leave me a message or a comment. I always respond A.S.A.P! Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the story!


nope,no questions so far! I’m juts enjoying the story for how great it is! 


@theanimewolflover29 Why thank you, it makes me very happy to hear that! Any questions about anything so far?


@Trishula97 sure no problem!! honestly your 5th Hero is one of the best rising of the shield hero book so far! 


 [☆•.*       hey, i just want you to know;
          dont be down. keep your head up high.
          youre amazing, be the best
          at being you and have a good day.       *.•☆]
          in fact, have a PLUS ULTRA day! :) :) :) :)


Thank you!! I can say the same to you! this honestly made my day ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ and i hope you have a plus ultra day! 


I juts finished watching the mha  heros rising and omg!! It’s it amazing!!!! I know where you can watch it for free for those who haven’t wanted it and without needing to pay or anything of sorts so if any of you mha fans are interested please let me know!! 


Watup, fresh! Thanks for the follow, and the votes on my Deadpool's daughter. Hope you're enjoying the story, bro. :) :) :) :)
          Maybe you can check out my Katsuki x oc [heart left in the shadows], or my Barbarian Bakugou x reader [My barabarian blonde].
          If you want, dude. That's totally up to you.
          Stay safe.