
Hey you guys, i know i haven't been updating at all lately but I've been going through a hard time. Your tremendous amount of feedback has really been helping me! And im sorry i haven't been able to thank you with an update but i will soon and i love and appreciate all of your support
          	Reem xo


@TheSingingReader I love your book Miracle Child I hope you can update soon


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5 years! 5 FLIPPING YEARS! I understand if you want to drop the book-- but put discontinued or some shit in the title :( I really really love your book and would love to see it updated again- but its irresponsible and breaks ppls hearts if you leave us on such a cliffhanger... honestly not trying to sound like a bitch but note that this was written in a fit of anger


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5 years..5 FREAKING YEARS i have been waiting for your update, i am not a rude person but really girl if you can't finish it just tell us , it's really  irresponsible.i don't know  What is going on in your life but a small note politely telling that you can't finish it off or you are going to put it on hold until you get your shit together, will be nice ,don't you think!!!....again iam not a rude person but my patients is running thin and I can't help it. So sorry for anything that hurt you but i am done with all the waiting!!! have a good day 


can you please update Miracle Child, I love it...or can you tell us if you still gonna continue writing the book or not.


@TheSingingReader  are you really??? .... 


I love your books and I hope that whatever it is you're going through will get better. Remember that there's no bad/good news it's simply how ,you as an individual, chose to view that situation. N.B a note from your story...only the strong survive. You are strong so keep pushing and fighting.


That’s beautiful of you thank you!


I dont know if ur still in wattpad, as in do u still use it, cause u havent updated since like last year. Iv been haveing ur book miricle child for like moore than a year or close enough and i havent taken it out my library because i keep belirveing that u will update and not leave us hanging. And u know what i believe yhat u will update and it dosent matter if u take another year or 2 i will keep waiting. LOVE UR WRITING.


@tangamangapio don't give up on me just yet im working on it you're amazing and I appreciate you so much thank you❤❤❤❤