Hey guys!
So I've decided to make a discord server (cause I'm lonely and don't have anyone to talk about Pjo or Solangelo) here's the link:
Hey guys!
So I've decided to make a discord server (cause I'm lonely and don't have anyone to talk about Pjo or Solangelo) here's the link:
Do this. Right now.
If you are reading this, the person who sent it cares about you.
You mean a lot to them.
It also means they like books (or mangos)
A lot of books (or mangos).
Do you wanna play a game?
Annoy as many people as humanly possible with this.
Make it travel throughout Wattpad.
Or else there will be no good fan fiction about your favorite fandom.
For the entire year.
Your crush will realize they love you whenever they do.
This thing cant control that.
Make sure you send it to at least 12 pookies or yours.
I should get a lot of these back.
Remember, only send this if you like books (or mangos)
Everybody loves you.
Do this. Right now.
If you are reading this, the person who sent it cares about you.
You mean a lot to them.
It also means they like books (or mangos)
A lot of books (or mangos).
Do you wanna play a game?
Annoy as many people as humanly possible with this.
Make it travel throughout Wattpad.
Or else there will be no good fan fiction about your favorite fandom.
For the entire year.
Your crush will realize they love you whenever they do.
This thing cant control that.
Make sure you send it to at least 12 pookies or yours.
I should get a lot of these back.
Remember, only send this if you like books (or mangos)
Everybody loves you.
Hey @TheSolangelo_Frog, Ik this is kinda random, but I just remembered to tell you, that because you added mentions of abuse and self harm in your story, I think you should label it mature. I'm not sure but I just wanted to tell you so you don't get reported by any chance. :)
Ahh, I actually fell asleep and could not respond to your message, but that's nice. I hope you had a great time. :) (I'm really sry if you were asleep when I sent this, Idk the time zones actually.)
HII, So you told me to tag you. I think I'm publishing the book, so I might publish the first chapter today later. Idk if you finished with school, so, I decided to leave a message. :) I'm sorry if I interrupted you or smth, I am not familiar with the time zones. :D
@Solangeloisadorable good night and sleep well.
I also want to inform you that I'll probably publish the next chapter of the high-school AU tomorrow (depends on how far I come before I go to bed because my friend is coming over tomorrow)
@Solangeloisadorable omg thanks it's not very often I get to hear that as i have really low self-esteem and am really self conscious. It doesn't help that my family often rather makes fun of me and I have very few friends (read as you and my irl friend who I don't really see often, dw she tells me when I see her) so I'm really happy rn but don't forget that the same goes for you dear (can I call you that? )