
this message may be offensive
Hello, Hello, Hello!
          	As some of you may have noticed, I'm going for a slower pace in Guardian's second iteration. Mostly it's so I can explore worldbuilding, but a big part of it is because I wanted the story to be more than just "Camp Cretaceous."
          	In other words, I wanted it to hurt you, my readers, by hurting the characters I hope you'll grow to love with when shit inevitably hits the fan on Isla Nublar.
          	Anyway. Much love!


Why'd u restart guardian 


@JaKighCooperMoore I've decided that it would be Brooklynn and Yaz again, yeah.


@TheSpareIsMe ah ok r Brooklyn n Yasmina still the love interest 


this message may be offensive
Hello, Hello, Hello!
          As some of you may have noticed, I'm going for a slower pace in Guardian's second iteration. Mostly it's so I can explore worldbuilding, but a big part of it is because I wanted the story to be more than just "Camp Cretaceous."
          In other words, I wanted it to hurt you, my readers, by hurting the characters I hope you'll grow to love with when shit inevitably hits the fan on Isla Nublar.
          Anyway. Much love!


(Writing this as I think it)
          So, I'm staring at my docs, unable to scrape together the energy to continue my books, and it's messing with me. Because I love writing, and I love "Guardian" to death.
          I hope I'll find the motivation to continue it one day or to even re-write it. Hey, that actually sounds like a lot of fun. I'd be able to fix some of the things I don't like, like how there's way too much inner description and not many sensory details. I'd draw the relationship between Az and Yaz out a little longer than shown.
          I don't know, though. We'll see what happens.
          For those who stuck around, thank you for reading.
          Much love.


No pressure take all the time you need


@TheSpareIsMe take your time with your health 


this message may be offensive
Hello, Hello, Hello!
          Guardian just hit 1k votes. What the hell? Thank you so much! It really means the world that so many people have read and enjoyed what I've written.
          I am trying to get the next chapter out, but I just can't find the energy to finish Camp Cretaceous. 
          Season four is beating my ass here, guys.
          But, hopefully, I'll suck it up and binge the rest of the show sometime this week. Then I can get started on finishing up.
          Anyway, thanks again, and much love <3


It’s best to take your time on stories like these, no need to rush and burn yourself out, and always take care of yourself 


@TheSpareIsMe it's all good won't rush you


Hello, Hello, Hello!
          Well, I've somehow gotten it in my head that I NEED to write a "What if" for Guardian. What if Azriel never left Atlas when he did? What if it was Viper who escaped instead?
          I think I'm gonna work on something like that in the background for a while until I'm settled in at my new place, then I'll get back to writing Guardian and Zephyr and everything else I've been neglecting.
          Hope you're all enjoying your days/nights. Much love <3


Hello, Hello, Hello!
          So, I'm currently in the process of moving into a new house, which is why I'm not updating anything. But I'm still writing when I can. I've even written 6 chapters for a Frozen fic, which I'll post only when I've finished the entire thing.
          Anyway, thank you for being patient.
          Much love!


@AlejandroAlamillo I'm always lurking. Even when you least expect it


You have returned phone guy


Hello, Hello, Hello!
          So, not that I'm anywhere near there yet, but I was wondering if I should have a separate book for Chaos Theory regarding "Guardian," or if I should keep it in the same one.
          (Hope you had a lovely day!)