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Oh shit 20 notifications!


@Kaylei22 hello this is hunter, Ti had lost all connection to this account and can no longer access it on any device. We believe it was because of the email that she hadn’t confirmed that it was hers. She had managed to use my account (which is this one) as a shared account since I am hardly here and she was the one who made it anyways. I do apologize for this inconvenience that I had to tell you this. 



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I hate myself for this… I am writing another damn book… the plot is idk, the theme had to be after the Sonic shadow and silver and the last diamond… I HADNT FUCKEN FINISHED THE DAMN STORY! Is this insane?
          Definitely insane
          Hunter, neo and Carson plus I are witnessing this happening (writing that is)
          Is this a good idea? Like writing this book when there is no ending or climax for the other story I’ve mentioned?!
           your confusing wattpader




Thank you Bing AI
          Peter: Hey Ned I kinda have an accident
          Tony: Who is this?
          Peter: Oops sorry wrong number
          Tony: Wait a minute. Is this Peter?
          Tony: Don't lie to me, kid. I recognize your number. What kind of accident did you have?
          Peter: Nothing serious, Mr. Stark. Just a minor spider-related incident.
          Tony: Spider-related? Are you kidding me? Did you get bitten by another radioactive spider?
          Peter: No, no, nothing like that. I tangled in some webbing and fell off a building.
          Tony: You fell off a building?! Are you hurt? Where are you? I'm coming to get you right now.
          Peter: No, no, you don't have to do that. I'm fine. Really. I landed on a dumpster. It broke my fall.
          Tony: A dumpster? That's disgusting. And unsanitary. And dangerous. You could have broken your neck. Or worse. Do you have any idea how reckless you are?
          Peter: I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. I didn't mean to worry you. I was just trying to stop a robbery.
          Tony: A robbery? What robbery? Why didn't you call me? Or the police? Or the Avengers?
          Peter: Well, you see, I thought I could handle it on my own. And I did. I stopped the robbers. And I got their loot back. And I returned it to the owner. And he gave me a reward. And I used it to buy you a Christmas present.
          Tony: A Christmas present? For me? Why?


Tony: A Christmas present? For me? Why?
            Peter: Because you're my mentor. And my hero. And my friend. And I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me.
            Tony: ...Wow. That's...very thoughtful of you, Peter. I appreciate it. But you don't have to buy me anything. You know that, right?
            Peter: I know. But I wanted to. It's something special. I think you'll like it.
            Tony: Well, now I'm curious. What is it?
            Peter: It's a surprise. You'll have to wait until Christmas to find out.
            Tony: Oh, come on. You can't do that to me. Give me a hint.
            Peter: Nope. Sorry. No hints. You'll just have to be patient.
            Tony: Fine. Be that way. But you better be careful, kid. And stay out of trouble. And don't text me again unless it's an emergency. Or you want to tell me what you got me.
            Peter: OK, OK. I promise. Thank you, Mr. Stark. You're the best.
            Tony: Yeah, yeah. I know. I love you too, kid. Bye.
            I was bored ok so bing help