
Hello everyone! 
          	This is a very important announcement. 
          	The Spirit Awards are being put on hold until the summer of 2018. Meaning they will continue in July. I am so sorry about this but that’s the only way to organize it. I did not expect these many entries, but I am so SO happy that so many people are participating! 
          	These awards originally started out as a group project, but due to time management, commitment, and communication problems we are unable to continue together this year. 
          	Please don’t be mad and I hope you can understand. I am so grateful for every single one of you who has sent in an entry. But I am truly sorry that I haven’t been able to accept them or organize this. I am looking forward to seeing you guys in the summer of 2018! I promise that it will be much more organized and planned! 
          	Love you all and continue writing! 
          	Xoxo, TFOF


Hey, just wanted to let you know that I unfollowed you because I'm completely redoing my profile. Once I am finished though, I will be following you once again. I am very sorry for how I made it look, (me being someone who follows then immediately unfollows), but I swear I am not. 
          Thank you for your patience!


Hello everyone! 
          This is a very important announcement. 
          The Spirit Awards are being put on hold until the summer of 2018. Meaning they will continue in July. I am so sorry about this but that’s the only way to organize it. I did not expect these many entries, but I am so SO happy that so many people are participating! 
          These awards originally started out as a group project, but due to time management, commitment, and communication problems we are unable to continue together this year. 
          Please don’t be mad and I hope you can understand. I am so grateful for every single one of you who has sent in an entry. But I am truly sorry that I haven’t been able to accept them or organize this. I am looking forward to seeing you guys in the summer of 2018! I promise that it will be much more organized and planned! 
          Love you all and continue writing! 
          Xoxo, TFOF


Hey everyone!
          This is @TheForeverOddFavour and I just wanna say that we are extremely sorry for not being very active recently. 
          I know there are many new entries that still need to be accepted, and lots of people are participating! 
          Those entries have not been forgotten! They will be accepted soon, I promise! 
          I will be checking this account ATLEAST once a week (mostly on Fridays), and I will try to get everything organized. 
          Thank you guys so much for participating and keeping these awards going, and I will see you all soon!