
Hey guys, I know that It's been a while since my last update. I meant to have it out a while ago, but I had some personal stuff come up (Including my mom needing surgery, she's fine now but that obviously was a lot for a while) and I didn't have any time to write at all lately. I'll upload the next chapter as soon as I can, but I don't have a timeframe for you. I'm sorry for the long wait.


@TheSpottedTigress We really adored your book, it was so well-written and hilarious at times, must have taken a lot of hard work and time. I'm so sorry your going through a difficult time right now, I hope your mother completely recovers and stays healthy!


Hey guys, I know that It's been a while since my last update. I meant to have it out a while ago, but I had some personal stuff come up (Including my mom needing surgery, she's fine now but that obviously was a lot for a while) and I didn't have any time to write at all lately. I'll upload the next chapter as soon as I can, but I don't have a timeframe for you. I'm sorry for the long wait.


@TheSpottedTigress We really adored your book, it was so well-written and hilarious at times, must have taken a lot of hard work and time. I'm so sorry your going through a difficult time right now, I hope your mother completely recovers and stays healthy!


Hi im sorry if your busy but i was wondering when the nxt chapter would be ready


No problem and thank you for taking the time to write back


@NightOwlAndMe Sorry, I got busy with Christmas and some personal stuff. I have been working on it and it will be out soon, but I don't have an exact timeframe.


Just wondering will there be a sequel or another chapter? The end just kinda ends as if there was supposed to be a chapter after it, not a cliffhanger just like the sorts not finished.


@amy_kittyyy sorry about that, I mostly wrote during my study hall last year, but I didn’t get one this year so finding time to write has been difficult. There is more chapters, and the next one is almost done, I promise.