
          	Don't forget to check our Graphic Contest out!!!


First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS 
          Put this on your friend's message board if you want to wish them Merry Christmas too
            / \
          ( •_•)
          \ [Hey, you! Have a great day! It's Christmas]
          Pssst... Santa Claus told me to send this to my friends and I'm sending you this cause you are my friend! Send this to all of your friends *Wink*



Hey everyone!! We're soon going to launch our Monthly Magazine!! I hope y'all would be really excited about it!! And as you, the readers and the audience are the most crucial part of it, we've planned to add a questionnaire section, where you can ask any questions, and we'll post the answers anonymously in our magazine! All you have to do is join this sever, and enter your questions, the questions won't display ur names so u don't need to worry about being know about who you are! But for those who don't have discord, we're afraid you'll have to just pm us, but still your identity won't be exposed. Here's the link for the Discord Server: