Hey everyone. We are preparing the next round for the book club. It should be updated within the next several hours or so. We're also going to confirm assignments for the last round and count the comments for the 'Tethered Picks' participants. Whoever wrote the most comments for TP will earn the next Book of the Week.
The month of June also marks the 1st anniversary since the club opened. That's amazing, and I am proud we are still kicking. We are an uncoordinated book club, but we try our best. We will be running things better soon and have bi-weekly updates for a month.
In other news, something is going on with the images and GIFs on Wattpad. It looks like it is a glitch and there's a logo instead of a picture. With that said, we are going through our books and remove the pictures in the chapters. There's no need for any pictures to be shown if no one can see the images.
Anyway, thank you all for sticking around and making The Tethered Community what it is today. United. ✨
~ Lily <3