
Keep in mind that I do Role-play, just not as frequent on here. I do my best potential on Twitter and if you're interested in interacting with me through me, request via message and I'll share with you UN, the fandoms involved and what you have planned on your mind (SL/RP/etc.)


Keep in mind that I do Role-play, just not as frequent on here. I do my best potential on Twitter and if you're interested in interacting with me through me, request via message and I'll share with you UN, the fandoms involved and what you have planned on your mind (SL/RP/etc.)


I'm coming up with some Fanfictions following the Final Fantasy verse; specifically the upcoming 15th installment tied to the 7th. As if it were the Final Fantasy Versus XIII, I've been planning something else that is in relations to that but will primarily evolving after the events. Cloud and Noctis will be heavily involved.


Here it is; the start of a new book I've been putting my efforts into ever since the past few months. Note that this is only an introduction and that some parts will be a continuation of this setting in the future to gain a better idea of what actually happened.