
Answer the following questions on Edmodo and submit back electronically or on a sheet of notebook paper.
          1. List three facts about the planet Mercury you find interesting.
          2. Water is believed exist on the planet even though it is extremely hot during the day and extremely cold at night.  How is this possible?  Describe where you would find water on Mercury.
          3.  Venus is the brightest object in the night sky (other than the moon) for what two reasons?
          4.  Why do small craters not exist on Venus?
          5.  Why doesn't Venus have a magnetic field similar to Earth?
          6. What country was the first to land on Venus?  What year did this happen in?
          7. What sets Earth apart from the other planets in the solar system?  
          8. What causes the northern and southern lights to glow?
          9. What does Earth mean?
          10. Mars has two moons.  What do scientists think they are?
          11.  What is the name of the largest volcano in the solar system found on Mars?
          12. Mars is inhabited by robots.  Name two that have wandered the surface since 1997.
          Critical Thinking (paragraph answer)
          13.  Imagine you get to visit one of these distant planets.  Which would you choose?  Why?  What would be the largest challenges you would have in visiting this planet?