
Happy New Year to all! My first sayings into 2018 (excluding the yelling as we came to the end of our count down) was to my brother.
          	As we drove back from a night on the town with our loud family of five, stuck in New Year’s traffic, I caught the eye of a small sign on the window of a house.
          	“Look, [brother]!” I cried out, prepared to read out the neon sign. “Pipes and bongs for all of your weed needs!”
          	This year is going to be great, people.


Happy New Year to all! My first sayings into 2018 (excluding the yelling as we came to the end of our count down) was to my brother.
          As we drove back from a night on the town with our loud family of five, stuck in New Year’s traffic, I caught the eye of a small sign on the window of a house.
          “Look, [brother]!” I cried out, prepared to read out the neon sign. “Pipes and bongs for all of your weed needs!”
          This year is going to be great, people.


All my time and energy not dedicated to my faith or family duties is being spent writing and I'm so glad to be inspired again. Each chapter marks something special for me, and Robotic Angel has personal stories thrown into the mix, like I feel any author does at one point, whether it be intentional or not.


I just deleted 'Protecting The Princess', a story of mine, and I'm shaking. It just wasn't something I was proud of or saw myself in. But it was a year of my life poured into a story. Whatever I did, there's a reason for. Ah well.


I just no longer saw it as something I'd want people to get a first impression of me with. It didn't reflect what I believe in now. Trust me, it was good for me.


Working on a new story I hope to release by the end of the summer! Maybe a bit earlier or maybe later, but I want it to be mostly complete before it's released. Something I'm COMPLETELY in love with and find happiness in writing. So far, seven (almost eight) chapters in, that's there. I spend most time when I'm not busy (which is precious time to me since I have such a hectic and jam-packed schedule) either writing or doing some other religious stuff. But yeah, can't wait for you all to see it!