
Excuse the last post I wasn't feeling so well.
          	Hi, potatoes since y'all cant appreciate my criticism. 
          	Y'all can go commit not feeling so good.
          	Have a nice day minions. 


Someone sucks cause they portray a person a certain way 
          I don't really get it, sure we all can have an opinion, but an opinion should be based on facts. So I just want to make this clear
          Even though I don't necessarily disagree with you (yes John was masculine in real life and should be more portrayed like that) you cannot just say someones sucks because they portray a person like that.
          Like 1. he's dead and we didn't know how they were in real life. Maybe he was more feminine in real life. Feminine boys can fight wars too, I think. We portray the whole Hamilton cast a certain way, while we don't know if it's true. So that whole point has already some problems
          2. It's a fanfiction. FICTION. It isn't real. Hamilton depressed? Probably not real. John Laurens gay? Probably not real. We write stuff because we like it and we shouldn't go out there saying an account sucks just because they portray a person a specific way. A person, we don't know and will never know.
          If you want to say something about her grammar, sure do it, but have a but respect and don't go to random accounts saying they suck because that isn't treating people with respect 


I think we can better say we should stop portraying gay men as feminine (I don't know if she does that, but I see many people DOING it) instead of we should stop portraying John as feminine 
            Why Alex can't be feminine? Maybe because it wasn't needed in the book they wrote, but I saw books were they wrote Alex more feminine. We just should try to know the difference between fiction and history and since all of these books are fiction, there isn't that big of a problem


            1. It's because we see him as a gay man, something we don't even know if true. In my opinion it's more wrong because it makes every gay men seem like he's more feminine which doesn't need to be true. But still, it's fiction. We know he wasn't feminine in real life, we only portray him like that in books to give him more personality or to make the book more intriguing 
            2. Not much. You don't need to portray specific things in fiction. I wrote and read a lot of fan fiction and sometimes the characters are differently portrayed by them so they can fit the book more. 
            You don't need to obey the laws of history when writing fiction. The most important rule in any creative subject is; learn the rules before you break them. She probably knows that John isn't feminine, she has heard it many times. But why does she make him like that? Because it's more fun like that! She breaks the rule to make the book more interesting! Eliza was also never a whore, just like Lafayette wasn't gay. Why do we portray him like that? Because it's fiction!


@JinteYTfreak88 1. Feminine men weren’t really allowed in war (back in that time...) Alex was described (in several books) as more feminine. John was never described as that. I honestly don’t get what she’s portraying. It’s certainly not the musical version. Anthony didn’t show any feminine characteristics. She also doesn’t portray historical lams. 
            2. What’s she portraying then? To me it seems she ruining the Hamilton fandom from her portrayals.
            She isn’t respecting history either though, since when is Eliza a whore? Huh? 