
I’m not doing well ): 


I can't believe this is happening to me. I never thought it would. He had his arm around me last night & I was leaning on him & it was amazing. I never thought  guy could actually like me. 
          I'm so happy. 
          I want to talk about him, but I've annoyed all my friends enough, so anyone want to message me and hear me go on and on about him? I would really like that :) 


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Holy shit I've missed a lot. JJ left the fucking sidemen?!? 
          Honestly all the shit that is happening with them makes me so sad. These guys were there for me when no one else was. They made me see the light, see happiness, when I felt I would be stuck in darkness forever. They saved me and seeing this happen breaks my heart. 
          I knew it would happen eventually, but it still saddens me.