
this message may be offensive
Okay. So I honestly need to thank each and every one of you who has stuck with me through all of my lazy bullshit and struggle to continue to shove updates out. I know I'm not as motivated or consistent as other authors, like at all, whatsoever, but ya'll have just stuck here with me, reading my updtes and continuing to vote and support me. I have been going through a really rough patch lately. I know I say it all the time, but hell, the past six years of my life has been one big ass rough patch. You all are amazing. I mean it. I may not know you all personally, but I care about each and every one of you. 
          	Also, I have joined Quotev, and have turned Dirty Paws into an original story over there. So is Join Me For a Bite, but with MANY MORE updates! 0=
          	Anyway, now that I've shamelessly advertised, I honestly need to apologize. I have been putting so much wait on you guys, and unlike the promises I have made before, I MEAN this one! I promise promise promise to update as much as I can. At least once every two weeks. I know, it seems bad, but I'm trying to be realistic here. Anyway, love you guys so much.  Have a lovely lovely day.


this message may be offensive
Okay. So I honestly need to thank each and every one of you who has stuck with me through all of my lazy bullshit and struggle to continue to shove updates out. I know I'm not as motivated or consistent as other authors, like at all, whatsoever, but ya'll have just stuck here with me, reading my updtes and continuing to vote and support me. I have been going through a really rough patch lately. I know I say it all the time, but hell, the past six years of my life has been one big ass rough patch. You all are amazing. I mean it. I may not know you all personally, but I care about each and every one of you. 
          Also, I have joined Quotev, and have turned Dirty Paws into an original story over there. So is Join Me For a Bite, but with MANY MORE updates! 0=
          Anyway, now that I've shamelessly advertised, I honestly need to apologize. I have been putting so much wait on you guys, and unlike the promises I have made before, I MEAN this one! I promise promise promise to update as much as I can. At least once every two weeks. I know, it seems bad, but I'm trying to be realistic here. Anyway, love you guys so much.  Have a lovely lovely day.


Hey guys! I'm awful sorry for not updating.  I just started highschool, and I'm adjsuting to that. I also have not felt the greatest these past few months emotionally. Thats why the last chapter in my main book was so short. Anyway, new chapter, and new book (what????) coming soon!
          To find out more about updates and such, please check my newest work, Updates N' Stuff!