
Rip this account
          	I HAVE A NEW ACCOUNT: @aoyaoyaba
          	Follow me there because I am no longer active here


Okay GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!! Since I have had no inspiration for Banana Phone, I have taken time to reconstruct the entire plot, as I am no longer inspired to write this book (I'm actually debating whether I should continue or not) IF THE STORY IS NOT UPDATED BY EASTER, THEN I PROBABLY JUST GAVE UP ON THE STORY, SO BE WARNED


@TheVocaloidQueen Awwww But I love the story sooo much


Hello everyone! It's me. Again. To annoy you lmao
          I would like to update you on a few things for this week:
          -Banana Phone should be getting a new cover and title very shortly. As I mentioned before, I am not fond of the title- It does not fit the story well.
          -Crazy In Love will be updated shortly. I plan to make the chapters of this fanfic at least two pages long(?).
          -I am debating whether I should continue my many AoT fanfics, so hopefully you guys can help me decide.
          -The Book of Sin shall become more sinful, thanks to my friend.
          That's all for now! Seeya later!


I am halfway through with completing the newest chapter of Banana Phone, but because of homework it will take me at least 3-4 days to finish. Also, I have added a new part on each of my fanfictions. It includes the AU, the fandom/anime/book series the fanfiction is from, shows if the fanfiction has any spoilers, and lists any possible triggers that take place in the story. I WOULD ADVISE YOU ALL TO READ THIS SECTION! Like I said earlier, thank you for remaining patient ^w^