
There’s a ton of authors who are getting cancelled for either their personal veiws or their views in their books
          	Personally I’m someone who’s very outspoken and I don’t shy away from issues. There are stuff I have written which is kinda stupid but I would never mean to cause offence and when I do I would immediately remove it and apologise. It seems that some authors don’t do this…
          	When you write stories of course your own life experiences and views will shape the story. I don’t know how to explain it but I feel like people just people. Everyone’s imperfect but I would love an author more for admitting their mistakes, apologising and then rectifying. Also I don’t agree on hating on authors and leaving nasty comments which won’t solve anything 


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There’s a ton of authors who are getting cancelled for either their personal veiws or their views in their books
          Personally I’m someone who’s very outspoken and I don’t shy away from issues. There are stuff I have written which is kinda stupid but I would never mean to cause offence and when I do I would immediately remove it and apologise. It seems that some authors don’t do this…
          When you write stories of course your own life experiences and views will shape the story. I don’t know how to explain it but I feel like people just people. Everyone’s imperfect but I would love an author more for admitting their mistakes, apologising and then rectifying. Also I don’t agree on hating on authors and leaving nasty comments which won’t solve anything 


Heyy!! I'm a new reader and currently reading Mr and Mrs Mafia. I saw that you don't post stories now. Have you stopped writing or something?


@kokil_kanthi_apsara That’s so kind of you to say. Thank you so much! 


@TheWalnutTree oh alright
            Btw I'm loving your have written so good. Ace and Alessia have my heart atp ❤ I love them so much! Thank you for writing such an amazing book, definitely one of my best reads till date. <3 


@kokil_kanthi_apsara HEY thanks for reading! At the moment I’ve stopped writing as I have writers block but who knows maybe one day I’ll get back to it but it’s not a biggest priority for me 


Ramadan Mubarak  
          I almost forgot! 


@TheWalnutTree Yeah it's better now ty


@blackswan_2324 I hope your fever is better now! Rest up okay! Nothing is more important than health 


@TheWalnutTree Happy Ramadan y'all! Safe to say I can't fast for a couple days cause I got a flipping(can't swear in Ramadan) FEVER


I am perpetually tired
          Like what do I need? Sleep? Water? Vitamins? Food? Literally nothing will help it’s a vicious circle of life 
          … anyway lemme stay up late to read again and then complain about being tired again tomorrow 


@TheWalnutTree Hi I think that after my report it was removed anyway it had taken MR and MRS Mafia


@Cancrina82 Can you also please let me know what story is copied? Thank you! 
            Don’t apologise for your English you’re translating and that’s okay! 


@TheWalnutTree I apologize for my bad English but I'm Italian and I read your books with automatic translation, so I always wrote to you with the translator.


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You should always stand up for others if you see something that’s not right. You don’t have to be silent or think that someone else will speak up. Just speak up and stand up for what you believe in and for others
          Also it’s not as deep as you think. No matter what you think I promise you it’s not that deep. Maybe you embarrassed yourself but honestly who the fuck is going to remember that tiny piece of a moment in the months and years to come. People can’t even remember what they had for dinner last week 
          ALSO who cares what anyone else thinks. Most people are strangers to you. People you will never see again. I promise you no one is judging you and even if they are who gives a shit because you’ll never see them again so their opinion doesn’t matter 
          Just a few little things I’ve had on my mind today 


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Absolutely the fucking not 
          A teacher student romance is DISGUSTING 
          Absolutely not 
          That’s my line. I draw a line. I mean can you imagine it happening in real life wtf 
          I read the first zodiac academy book because I heard all the hype about it and I was sooo embarrassed and disgusted. The fuck is a fucking freshly 18 year old girl fancying her teacher for? Are you okay? Everyone in that book is bloody delusional and honestly makes me seem sane. No tirgger warnings my god puhlease get your act together 
          I’d rather eat dog food than write a teacher student romance oh my god I cannot. But being real now, do some of y’all actually like it? And why? 


@TheWalnutTree it’s student/ professor 20s girl 30s guy it really wasn’t horrible but i just couldn’t get behind the plot in general


@ervacou I haven’t read that. Is that a student/teacher one? 


Don’t be a doormat for no one 
          You have 1 life 
          Live it 


Ohh hell nah, imma be honest,  cuz this is the internet and no one knows me, and I have to tell someone. Today was my 3rd attempt but guess what, I am too scared. SOMEONE KILL ME.
            They say life is worth living not metter but hell nahh, I can't. 


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Finished onyx storm 
          WHAT THE FUCK 
          No spoilers! For those that haven’t read it but I sort of knew what was going to happen because it’s super obvious and lo and behold it happened and AHHH mind blown and now I’m like shit guess I’ll have to wait for book 4 now 


@TheWalnutTree it was so good but i was so confused for half the book 


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@pimpbabynicole FR I’m so fucking slow I had to read the last 4 lines again and again because I forgot what signet Imogen had and then it clicked and I was like OOOH  


@TheWalnutTree The cliff hanger was crazyyyyyyyy


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I’m exhausted 
          All the time 
          Can I have one moments peace please 
          When I have to wake up that’s when I have the most best sleep but I can’t sleep because I have to wake up and some fucker (me) chose THATS RIGHT CHOSE willingly to go to work extra tomorrow stupid idiot 
          Also happy Valentine’s Day. If you didn’t have a Valentine’s, you did it was me. I got you a beautiful bunch of dark red roses. A box of expensive chocolates. I made you dinner, a full 3 course meal. I ran you a bubble bath and did a relaxing face mask. Then we watched a movie preferably tangled or captain America. Then you fell asleep beside me and I robbed you. Haha not the last part obvs 


@KjDuggie happy Valentine’s Day kj 


@TheWalnutTree Happy Valentine’s Day Walnut :) 