

Hello! I was hoping you could take a look at my Marvel fanfiction, "Spyder and The Avengers" and give me some advice. It's a longer story that's the first in a series, and I want to make sure it's fantastic. 
          If you can't, I completely understand. 


Hey! I have an idea,  translate their stories, to have the same number of stories in Spanish and English, and English speaking people can also read their stories that were previously in Spanish (probably already thought I will give you the idea) jajaja bye :3
          ATT: C            (y yo aquí siguiendo hablando inglés mal )


@oficial_C Ow, guess what? :D We already thought about it, and we're working on it, I mean, we're translating the stories (but only a few, because there are some things that cannot apply to English language).
            (¡Muchas gracias! :D)


I like your profile and I love the wattvengers (en verdad hablo español como ustedes y vi la cuenta en español, pero necesito practicar inglés y además me gusta su perfil <3 AMO LOS WATTVENGERS) 
          ATT: C


@oficial_C  Hey there :) We are glad you like our work. It doesn't matter if you are here to practice English, everyone is welcome. 
            P.S: By the way, not every WattVenger knows English, only a few will reply the messages in this account.