
Please DO NOT post story adverts or read requests on this profile's message board. This area should be kept clear for general help requests and to provide you with Wattys information. Thank you.


@TheWattys All this is absurd. In this way you are discriminating against all other languages. Not only can we not participate in the Wattys this year if we don't have a story in English, Spanish, or Filipino, but we can't get support even by sponsoring our story? How can we grow as authors if you don't give us the chance to do so?


          	  This is absurd. You are completely excluding authors who write in Portuguese, Italian, German, etc. We are a minority, but we still exist. IT'S AN ABSURD.


@TheWattys The contest has always been a success as it accepts several languages and incredible authors from all over the world. Now, with just three languages, it will end up dying, unfortunately. Who would want to be interested now? Only authors who write in English, Spanish and Filipino. And who doesn't know how to write in these three languages? He is left out, with a feeling of revolt, because he has been waiting all year to prepare for this competition. I am one of those authors. 
          	  PS: I wrote this in the translation app, which makes it almost impossible to translate an entire book.


I can write a story in italian for the wattys?


@GinnyWeasley077 - this year the Wattys are accepting submissions in the following three languages: 
            As Wattpad evolves, so does our operational and logistical capacity. This year the decision has been taken by Wattpad to concentrate The Wattys on the largest three languages supported by our platform.


Hi, I'm 15 and I have already gotten permission from my parents to join the watty awards. My story is still ongoing and I wanted to ask if there's anywhere I can specify that I have been granted permission to partake in the watty awards so when you guys are sending forms to people who are eligible, you can see that I have the permission to partake so you can also send me the form. 


@Queensladyxxx - Hi, at the point you submit your story, you will be asked to confirm in the submissions form that if you're under 18, you have parental/legal guardian permission to enter the contest.


Hi. I hope you can help me. I’m new here in Wattpad, and I’m a bit confused in how to submit my story to the Watty Awards, and even to fill out the story notes in my profile. 
          Allow me to explain:
          The full story is a trilogy series. I have the first book finished and I’m working on the second book. The first book, I have decided to publish weekly as a serialized story, and I’m posting a new chapter every week. 
          Now, on the story notes’ questions, should I answer based on the first book’s plot only, or the plot for the entire trilogy? When it asks “what happens at the end of the story”, do I describe the end of first book (which is the one I’ll be submitting), or the end of entire story (series)? 
          Also, when it asks “how much of the story have you written”, do I answer complete, as the first book is complete, or in progress, since the trilogy is in progress? 
          Please advise! I would love to be able to submit my story this year, and I want to be sure I do things correctly. 
          Thank you in advance for your help. 


@Ty_Mirida - If the first story in the series is the one you're going to enter then I'd concentrate most of the information on that story. 
            So, talk about the story you're entering and then perhaps say something like 'the story will be continued in two following volumes which will wrap up the story...' 
            And with the 'how much of the story' question just note something like 'this is volume 1 which is complete, vols 2 and 3 are in progress and they will complete the story'.


Hi ! If I started posting my complete novel rightnow ( 30 June ) and match all of the criteria of Watty Award 2024 , may the novel is eligible ? 


@Anushka_Dutta_2009 For Complete stories, the first part of your story must have been posted to Wattpad on or after January 1st, 2022 to be eligible. You can finish it at any time before you submit your story. Your story must contain 50,000 words or more if written in English and must be marked as complete when submitted.


Sorry, I did not find anything related to the competition on the account. Please, can you specify a link or anything that facilitates the search process? Thank you....


@TwamiBenchikhe - you are looking for the 'story' on this profile called The 2024 Watty Awards -


Hi, I'm a new writer in Wattpad. How do I participate in "the watty's 2024"?


@12gabbie08 Hi, you need to read through the information on the Wattys contest that has been posted on this profile please. That explains things in good detail. Submissions will open on July 15th.


@ TheOrangutan  okay, danke das du es mir erklärt hast 


Gibt es dieses Jahr kein Wettbewerb wo alle mitmachen können,  ich kann nämlich nur auf deutsch schreiben und so meine Texte verstehen 


@Yuilein es ist echt schade, dass es kaum Wettbewerbe für die deutschsprachige Community gibt ... Wattpad könnt da ja mal was dran ändern, aber was soll's.


@Yuilein Ich kenne die Antwort darauf nicht, denn das ist die Zukunft. Und die Zukunft steht noch nicht fest.


@ TheOrangutan  wird es jemals wieder ein Wettbewerb auf wattpad geben der die deutsche Sprache mit ein bindet 