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People are asking if I'm still alive.
However I've ended up losing the login to this account when I switched computers. Im actively trying to get back in. And I will. . .eventually. However till then, hope you guys like what I've left before my hiatus. Now the questions I've gotten the most will be answered here
1. Am I dead
My answer: Self explanitory
2. Will I continue FNIA 2 or add to the original FNIA
My answer: I've been thinking of ending both, I grew up and learned other things. However its something that never really went away. So yes, but I will make other stories, like on this alt just to pass time.
3. Will you change your writing style
My answer: Sometimes
I really am glad people care for my work, even if its just about horny robot chicks and though my writing is absolute shit. People still read and adore it. So thank you. I will (and I will) come back one day. Until then, have fun with what I get you guys.