Soo, I once again tried to be the big person with my favorite person to vent about and he still wants to blame me for kicking him out his favorite class and apparently sticking my nose in business that isn't mine but see... His girlfriend is thw one who shared information with me and my sister for my safety.
I understand where he stands cause I didn't have to tell the school or my parents about the one thing he said or the fact that he's done some other effed up stuff to me and my sister this school year. But he's the one who wanted to do all of this knowing someone was watching, he wanted to do all this fully aware of his actions because I planned out half the stuff he did logically when we were still cool.
I just want all of this to be over.. I'm tired of feeling like I have to walk with my head down or not even go to school cause I know I'll run into him. I'm tired of having to hear his name every weekend and be hit with nostalgia of when we were friends. He only drags my name through the mud and his isn't even in my mouth anymore.
I literally don't want to be his friend but want to stop feeling the feelings I have at school. The second I see him I feel sick and scared but I also feel angry and confused. It's emotionally exhausting and I'm already mentally exhausted so I'm pretty much done with everything.
Him aside my boyfriend doesn't seem to be interested in me anymore... I think he's only after my body which is very unhealthy and toxic but I guess I'll have to wait and see for any conclusions to be made.
I'm just tired of fake everything, fake feelings, fake friends, fake smiles, just fake... I want to be in a actual real friendship, have real feelings from someone other than me, and a real smile at school. I also want to stop being paranoid at school or anxious over the smallest things, I'm trying to get over my anxiety...