It has been 5 years since I've started writing on this account (7 years in reality, but it apparently only counts the last 5) and I wanted to thank y'all for the many years that have passed. I haven't been very active in the last few years, but I'm doing what I can to get back into it. I started writing with a passion and that passion gradually faded as the issues got worse. It used to be a way to escape reality for me, but I started putting more reality than fiction into my works and that ruined it. For those who have been around for a while, you'll probably have noticed changes in what I was writing, cheerful and funny becoming... Angry and violent. I've been doing a lot to try and fix?.. No, not fix, restrain these issues. I know that it's more than likely that no one will see this message, but I wanted to say thank all of you that have stuck around. It genuinely means a lot and I will try to get back to writing as soon as I can.

@purple1pain Who are you? You're not supposed to be here, this is a failure area only!