
Hey Alphas, Betas, & Omegas, I'm back. For how long? I don't know. I do know I will be rewriting the second Chapter of Cold Nights because I found the story plan for it that I had forgotten about, and I would like to follow that. Also, this time, I'll be able to update more cause I have the app now, so I don't have to go on my computer every time I want to write. And, random question (cause I'm bored): What is your favorite movie, favorite movie series, and favorite show?


So I read ur description and I was like: omfg we be twinning so when I finish the books I’m on rn Imma read urs


Finished the books I was on so I guess it’s time I get reading


Hey Alphas, Betas, & Omegas, I'm back. For how long? I don't know. I do know I will be rewriting the second Chapter of Cold Nights because I found the story plan for it that I had forgotten about, and I would like to follow that. Also, this time, I'll be able to update more cause I have the app now, so I don't have to go on my computer every time I want to write. And, random question (cause I'm bored): What is your favorite movie, favorite movie series, and favorite show?


Hey everypony, ummmm, idk how to really say this but, um, I'm gonna be taking a break from Wattpad. The reason is that my mom has started  figured out that I'm doing things I'm not supposed to be doing, like being on Wattpad, and talking to strangers and what not. Another reason is that my mental health is starting to decrease rapidly, so, um, yeah. Idk how long my break will be, but I just know I won't be active anymore. So don't expect any updates from my storys and stuff. I'll still be on other stuff that she knows I have, like Discord, I just have to be secretive about it. So if you guys want, you can join my Discord server. Here's the link --->
          So yeah, I hope you guys are doing ok, and sorry that this is so long.


Also, I'm gonna get out an update out for my storys Cold Nights, and I'm gonna republish When the sun dies and get a chapter for it out too before my break 


How are you guys? I'm curious rn. Why did you guys follow me? What's your favorite color, food, drink, game, show, movie, ANYTHING.
          Also, idk if I'm gonna continue my first bkdk story, not Nothing Quite Hits Like You, but the other one. I just have no motivation or ideas for it.


@J4ckz_G0n3M4d yayyyy (^v^), mine is tess0273 