
Alright, I'm moving accounts! Next time you stumble across me, I'll no longer be TheWingedWendigo, I'll be something different. I don't know what my username will be yet, but I'll reply to this with my new account! Maybe I'll see you guys again there!


Alright, I'm moving accounts! Next time you stumble across me, I'll no longer be TheWingedWendigo, I'll be something different. I don't know what my username will be yet, but I'll reply to this with my new account! Maybe I'll see you guys again there!


Why Won't They Believe Me? is out! I'm so excited to be working on this story! Vaporpaw is one of my favorite OCs and I love Otterpaw as well! It's currently just a side story I'm working on while I finish a book for my school's writing club, but I'll work on it as often as I can. Ah, I'm so happy!