
Hello, my beautiful followers!
          	I posted a new story called, A Killer Holiday. I hope you all like it!
          	Also, for the Merlin fanfic. Turns out its taking longer than I thought. I won't promise any dates. I just will post when I can. 


Hello followers!
          It's official, Lonely Assassin has been taken off of Wattpad. Many apologies to the people who liked it, but I very much appreciated your kind comments. It helps to know that if I were to be published, people would appreciate my work. 
          Now, updating my other stories like, The Experiment and In the Dark, may happen. I have some ideas for The Experiment that I'm working on and will send out an update when the ideas come to fruition. 
          Secondly, I'm planning on making a Merlin fanfiction. It will be what I think happens after the last episode. I plan on releasing the first chapter in another week or so. I may upload earlier if I am satisfied with the results.
          Well, I think that's it. Happy Easter everyone!


Hello, my beautiful followers!
          Sorry for not adding to my stories in a LONG time. Life gets in the way of writing. Anyway, I have some updates.
          Number 1: I have deleted chapters 9 through 11 on The Lonely Assassin due to the fact that I no longer wanted them there. 
          Number 2: In a few months I will be permanently taking The Lonely Assassin off of Wattpad. I am planning on finishing the story and sending it in to a publisher. So, if all goes as hoped, then it would be best to take it off of here. I will update on wether or not it goes through.
          Number 3: I hope to add on to the other stories I have on here like In The Dark. As for Level 3, I am leaving it as is. I don't plan on completing it any time soon since right now I am focused on Lonely Assassin. 
          I believe that about does it. Anyway, I still welcome the opportunity to write so if anyone has an idea for a story but don't want to write it themselves, feel free to msg me and I'll see if I can write it for you. Of course, credit will go to whoever came up with the story idea.
          And remember, I will take stories as long as it doesn't involve demons or anything close. It's not that I don't believe in them or anything, I just don't feel comfortable writing something like that. Anyway, Happy New Year!


Hello, my beautiful followers! 
          I regret to inform all of you that I have stopped writing the story titled "Phantom" and have deleted it from my page. Do to some personal matters, I felt I shouldn't continue writing the story. I don't know how many of you actually read it, but if you did, and enjoyed it, I apologize. And another apology to OzzyOsbourneGirl for not continuing to write your story. 
          That is, from now on, if you request a story, I would like you to take it up with someone else if it involve anything in the category of demons. Other than that, I will gladly listen and possibly act on your request. 


Hello, my beautiful followers! I would like to inform you all that I have updated chapters 6,7, and 8 of  The Lonely Assassin, as well as posting chapter 9. 
          One more thing. Soon, I will be uploading chapter 1 of a new story that was a request from another Wattpad member, OzzyOsbourneGirl. I hope you all enjoy the new story. And remember, if you have an idea for a story you would like me to write, feel free to message me any time!


Hello, My beautiful followers! 
          I just posted Chapter 2 to Level 3. This chapter is a LOT shorter than the first. I felt like I owed it to you guys to not haveit drag on for forever. Hope you guys enjoy! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to message me!
          -Madelene (TheWingedWriter09)