Hello, my beautiful followers!
Sorry for not adding to my stories in a LONG time. Life gets in the way of writing. Anyway, I have some updates.
Number 1: I have deleted chapters 9 through 11 on The Lonely Assassin due to the fact that I no longer wanted them there.
Number 2: In a few months I will be permanently taking The Lonely Assassin off of Wattpad. I am planning on finishing the story and sending it in to a publisher. So, if all goes as hoped, then it would be best to take it off of here. I will update on wether or not it goes through.
Number 3: I hope to add on to the other stories I have on here like In The Dark. As for Level 3, I am leaving it as is. I don't plan on completing it any time soon since right now I am focused on Lonely Assassin.
I believe that about does it. Anyway, I still welcome the opportunity to write so if anyone has an idea for a story but don't want to write it themselves, feel free to msg me and I'll see if I can write it for you. Of course, credit will go to whoever came up with the story idea.
And remember, I will take stories as long as it doesn't involve demons or anything close. It's not that I don't believe in them or anything, I just don't feel comfortable writing something like that. Anyway, Happy New Year!