
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I've submitted my story "Teaching Mr. Cooper" for this year's Watty's.  So if you haven't already taken a look, it has 27 chapters and still going,  slowly but still going.


Oh. My. Gosh!!!! I love your story on Caine's outlook!!! Like seriously Jupiter Ascending is on my favorite movies list and I just don't get why people don't love it but hey at least there are a few that do! Anyway, I was wondering if maybe you could go BEYOND the movie when you're finished with the movie scenes because you're really good and I feel like with you going back and forth between the view points in your stories that you can help enlighten everyone as to how Jupiter's life is gonna play out now and also because I just wanna see more of her as acting like a Queen and how Caine and Jupiter's relationship turns out! Anyway you're really good and I'm looking forward to more chapters!!