
Hi guys... I'm sorry it's been a while. But I've just started uni, and life got a little hectic. But it's all good now.. sort of hehehe. Anyway. I've made alteration to the last chapter of When seeing is wrong. It was pointed out to me by a goid friend that it was too soon for Cosima to find a certain thing out. So for everyone who has already read that chapter, you might want to re-read it ... a new chapter will be ready soon (hopefully). And i also have a new story idea in mind... thank you guys! And please keep reading 


Hi guys... I'm sorry it's been a while. But I've just started uni, and life got a little hectic. But it's all good now.. sort of hehehe. Anyway. I've made alteration to the last chapter of When seeing is wrong. It was pointed out to me by a goid friend that it was too soon for Cosima to find a certain thing out. So for everyone who has already read that chapter, you might want to re-read it ... a new chapter will be ready soon (hopefully). And i also have a new story idea in mind... thank you guys! And please keep reading 


Hey guys...... I have just finished my first trilogy, 'The power of Ettie'. I hope you all enjoy it. Also, if anyone has any comments, improvements or questions, please post them on my profile or leave a comment and I'll happily respond as soon as. Thanks and enjoy!...