
this message may be offensive
Someone tell me why the fuck the Samsung s21 Ultra is so massive, please? I have tiny goblin hands and can barely hold onto my phone


this message may be offensive
Someone tell me why the fuck the Samsung s21 Ultra is so massive, please? I have tiny goblin hands and can barely hold onto my phone


@TheWolvesDen Probably features, plus bigger screensizes got more popular?
            Question: Do you know anyone who still roleplays? I clicked through some old accounts I used to RP with, unfortunately all of them are very dead.


Since Wattpad has gone downhill, I haven't been on here much at all. I'm sorry for those that have lost touch with me. I miss everyone that I've made memories with and hope everyone is doing well.
          Happy Spring,


@TheWolvesDen I don't know you specifically but considering I was one of the wolf pack rpers on here. I can agree with you that the good ole days of wattpad are a miss. Blessing of love and light to you and your friends as well.


Doesn’t mean we haven’t forgotten you. I’ve mostly been busy with life and keeping myself steady on life. But We’re  always around to reconnect and catch up :)
            Miss you too ^~^


Hello, dears! It has been a while since I've last talked to many of you, but I come bringing major news. 
          On Monday, February 1, 2021, I, TheWolvesDen, came out to my parents as bisexual. They took it really well, which definitely eased some of my anxiety. I feel lighter. I've been hiding for longer than I can remember, and I know this isn't something everyone gets when they tell their own parents. 
          I'd like to thank everyone here, for being my supporters. Many of you inspired me to finally tell them. We may not talk much, or talk at all, but you're all important to me. 
          Thank you